Tango after 195o
Other orchestras and ensembles were and continue being created after the Golden Age of Tango. Some respect the rhythms and harmonies of the Tangos crafted in during the 30's and 40's, others changed it all together. This creative force allows for new styles and personal intepretarions of Tango music and dance to emmerge.
Argentine Tango dance today, as in its past, consists of a variety of styles that developed in different regions and eras, and in response to the crowding of the venues. In this context, You have the choice to hone in on your craft as a traditional Tango dancer or embrace new Tango trends as they come along and eventually fall out of fashion.
- "Milonguero Ezequiel"
1950-1980: Nuevo Tango
For the most Nuevo Tango is not ideal music for traditional social Tango dancing.
In the mid-'50s Astor Piazzola unveided the new New Tango ("Nuevo Tango"). He had taken a dance music codified in the '30s and '40s and stretched it harmonically and rhythmically. To both the people and the government, Piazzolla was a subversive figure, undermining the national culture.
There were fervid reactions against his music. 30 years taking the New Tango around the world - where it was better received - Piazzolla was finally recognized for his contributions to the world of music. His response to it: What I was doing wasn't dancing Tango, and it wasn't singing Tango. It was a contemporary music." Wikipedia
1980-TODAY: Tango Nuevo
For the most Tango Nuevo is not ideal music for traditional social Tango dancing.
Tango Nuevo is everything that has happened with the Tango since the 1980s. It is not a question of a style. The words "Tango Nuevo" express what is happening with Tango dancing in general; namely that it is evolving.
Color Tango
In 1989 Roberto Alvarez, first bandoneon of Osvaldo Pugliese´s orchestra, creates together with other musicians “Orquesta Color Tango”. Site
Played in some modern social Tango dancing halls. Not my favorite.
Ensemble Hyperion
Formed in 1992 Hyperion has taken part, during its 26 years of activity in over 1000 shows, festivals and theatres all over Europe, offering a wide repertoire ranging from contemporary Tango to traditional Tango. Site
Played in some modern social Tango dancing halls. Not my favorite.
La Juan D'Arienzo
Since its 2012 debut in Buenos Aires, La Juan D’Arienzo has aimed to offer listeners and dancers the characteristic music in the style of the legendary Tango orchestra leader Juan D’Arienzo, who was known as the Rey del Compás, or the King of the Rhythm. - Site
Played in some modern social Tango dancing halls. When heard in moderation it can provide a refreshing experience.
Orquesta Romantica Milonguera
Romantica Milonguera strives to promote its music as a cultural plan based on traditional musical genres with a modern twist. Facebook
Played in some modern social Tango dancing halls. Very sugary and over-orchestrated. Not my favorite.
Sexteto Milonguero
Sexteto Milongero is one of the most well-known Tango orchestras in the world. Formed in 2006 by Javier Di Ciriaco, with the simple desire to play the Tango dance repertoire, usually heard in the milongas, emphasizing the 40′s and beyond the excellent versions heard for years. Sexteto Milonguero tries to give a personal sound to these great old songs. Site
Played in some modern social Tango dancing halls. More suitable for performance Tango than social Tango. Not my favorite.
Tango Bardo
A young Argentinean "cuarteto milonguero" with worldwide tour experience, mostly playing in exhibition Tango venues. Site
Played in some modern social Tango dancing halls. Not my favorite.
5 REASONS Why I still prefer traditional Tangos from the 30's and 40's
The vast majority of recordings used to dance Argentine tango socially were made by the big name orchestras that recorded during the Golden Era.
The inter-related dimensions of the music are clear and dynamic making paired physical movements easy to dance.
Most Tangos produced after 1950 stamped down a style route that is heavily orchestrational and saturated with flashy interlocking arrangements. They are usually loud, sugary and overornated making it difficult (if not impossible) to dance socially for extended periods of time. It feels like eating a chocolate bar every 3 minutes all night long.
The underlying characteristics of any music lead to certain types of emotional response. Traditional social Tango music gives you the right psychologycal jolt range without making you feel as if you were part of a theatrical dance performance, just because you are dancing Tango.
Regular people from all walks of life can connect with one another in meaningful ways by dancing a social Tango music that is as simple and approachable today, as it was 100 years ago.